This week at the Snack Shack, we had a busy and exciting one. We brought back the juices, began looking at healthier choices, and are slowly learning about the process of running a business account on Instagram.We also gained back the juices that students and faculty loved, which is an exciting improvement that fixed our previous mistake. We have some ideas on how to make our foods healthier in hopes of encouraging a better lifestyle in our school and throughout our community.
There was a mixup with our juices about two weeks ago that led to us no longer providing juices from our favorite source, Luis Felipe. After our helpful operations member, Raphael, told us what happened with the negotiation of receiving the juices again. Raphael explains that he had to make an appointment with Felipe and persuade him to lower the prices of our juices so we can begin to make more money. Before this offer, we were only making 1.500 per 30 juices sold. Now, we are able to make 3,000 per 30 juices. We hope to slowly be able to raise this number more over time. But for now, we owe a big thank you to Luis Felipe!
We have been noticing a decline in the healthy options available at our school. It is known that students enjoy sweeter products more than the healthier ones, but we want to start supplying our customers with the tastiest options that are the healthiest for their productive days. We want to start offering better options like kale chips, protein balls, and fruit bowls. This is no easy task, we know that students will prefer to buy the sweeter options but we hope that with these options students will become more motivated to take care of their bodies. We hope that with these products we can transform the store into a better healthier environment while reducing waste.
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