
The simple word that means to do something. Doing something can be applied to any aspect of life, we take action in our daily lives, whether it is to simply stand and make yourself some food because you’re hungry; or to take action in something important like a personal project or goal you have set for yourself. This break I took action. I noticed I had left behind my daily routine of exercise do to school. I had to get back to it because it would only benefit my own self. So I did, I started exercising 20 at least 20 minutes a day. I started the first week of break and so far I find it very effective. I start the day off great with a run and enjoy the beautiful place town I live in. I do a trail in the jungle where you end at a mirador and see the breathtaking sunrise over the mountains. This is my favorite part of the day, admiring the sunrise upon the mountain makes me feel free, happy and grateful for my life and all the blessings I have. I love this place not only because of its beauty and peace but also because it’s the perfect place to think, breath, and reflect. Sometimes I even walk up to see the sunset and to escape life’s challenges. This trail takes me about 30 minutes, to get to the top and 30 minutes walking down. In the morning I take the trail, and in the afternoon, I do workout with my sister. We do many types of abs exercise, such as sit ups, leg raise, sitting twists, plank, y-ups, bicycle crunches, crunch kicks, scissors, and side planks. We also do squats, touch down, side lunges, leg lifts, and squats with kickbacks. Em and I also decided to start exercising with videos as well, so we try doing at least 15 minutes added to our 20 minutes of exercise daily. I decided to do exercise as my part of the action this break because not only do I miss it, but it also helps my health and stress level decrease. I need to find ways to make time for exercise during school and not only exercise in break. This is will be my goal starting next trimester. To exercise at least 10 minutes each day before going to school. I will try to go to soccer practice after school since I kind of forgot about it last trimester. Soccer is one of the most important things in my life, I love doing it but, I have left it behind because of school and this is why I will be able to have balance in my life starting off next year because this will help me succeed and be healthy emotional, physical, and psychologically.

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