2. Creativity

Creativity is a big part of my life and it’s something that I do very often. During vacation, I didn’t do a lot of creative projects because I got to express myself a lot during the first trimester, as I take HL art and in this class I get to use a lot of creativity. However, I did get to take a lot of good pictures of all the beaches and places I went to with my family. December is the month when a big part of our family gets together to celebrate Christmas Eve, Christmas, one birthday and New Years. It’s a lot of celebration which means that there is a lot of beautiful and happy moments that I get to capture with my camera. I’m not a professional photographer and not even a “good” one, but I do love this art and all the moments you can capture just by one click. But I’ll admit that I do like to sometimes try my best to take pictures from different angles and perspectives, getting really artsy with it. Related to this, I also love taking small videos of different places that I visit and all the details I see, which eventually I will end up using to create a video of it. Apart from this, I did a lot of stress-relief coloring with this coloring book I have of mandalas, doodles and inspirational quotes that I enjoy reading. This is something that I would never find the motivation to do and would always have all these coloring books kept away but lately I’ve found myself wanting to do something and found out it was this. It’s a good way to get away from stress, specially if im feeling anxious and it’s something I could do for hours and hours. Lastly, another way I got to creatively express myself was through baking. Baking has been one of my favorite hobbies but I never find time to do it. This break I decided that I was going to take some time to bake, since it’s something that I really like doing but because of school, I don’t have much motivation and time to do so. I always make cookies, specially snickerdoodles because a few years ago I found a recipe that I was able to follow correctly and they ended up tasting really good. I’ve always followed this recipe because I get good feedback from my friends and family and it’s something that makes me feel happy. I also learned that you have to read really carefully the instructions and ingredients in order to effectively make these cookies. I learned this from experience because there has been a few times when I didn’t exactly followed the instructions correctly or I used an ingredient instead of another (this time I used baking powder instead of baking soda), which will end up ruining your cookies. Even though I didn’t get to express myself a lot through art this break, I did get to use creativity in different ways, which helps me understand the things that I like doing.

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