3. Activity

This year I thought I was going to be very active when it comes to exercising and staying fit. I started the year in the cantonal soccer team of Santa Cruz, having practices every Saturday for 2 hours and participating in some soccer games. Everything was going great until I had an injury, more specifically a muscular stretch. After this, I could barely run so it hold me back from improving as a soccer player. Then the coach decided that it was best if I left the team, so I could take care of my injury and also I could give the opportunity to another girl to be on the team. A few months later I kept going to soccer practice at La Paz but my muscle still had problems. That’s when I started to stop exercising and the only thing I would do was walk everyday from my house to the bus stop. Then I started to exercises a little bit more during summer break but it still wasn’t that significant. During the first trimester of this school year I really wanted to continue soccer practice and I did, but after the first week, I had other school related responsibilities that didn’t let me go to the practices. Overall, I went only 4 times to soccer practice and didn’t do anything else after that. However, this break I really wanted to do something and decided that I was going to motivate myself and work hard to accomplish my goal, and that’s what I did. My goal was to run at least once a week and I ended up running (mostly walking) around 8 kilometers. At first it was very challenging for me because I was out of shape but by the last time I went running, it wasn’t that hard, I could run even more and I I had a better control of my breathing. I feel like this challenge that I decided to overcome has motivated me to exercise this year, either going running, walking and doing some exercises at home. I am well aware that this is a really important aspect of our lives which is why I really want to continue staying active to be healthy.

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