Work On My Proect Over The Break 2018

I already mentioned this on my credit entry, I decided to sketch some of the designs (I am not done but I will be soon) that I had previously roughly sketched but now I am adding color and a more detailed description. As part of our CAS project we have to create a video of our project for the website and I had planned to go over Miss Amy’s house this break and film ome stuff to get ahead but unfortunately due to technical difficulties with my computer, phone and my mom’s surgery that couldn’t happen so I instead decided to get ahead by filming soe time lapse footage that I had an idea of previously of including in the video. So that’s what I did and I plan on recording some more soon when I finish all the designs they are around 15 or so and I want to include some clips of the video to show a little about the overall process and what goes behind the scenes of my FASHION WITH KIDS project.

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