2nd trimester planning journal entry

We have many goals for this project to be successful this trimester. Talking with Abel and organizing an interview with Miss Amy is something that we planned to do. We also have to choose the people that we are going to take to the Canopy and for this we will create a google form and ask people that need to come to the Canopy. This project is a very good team building project because people will be in a group, they will be able to interact and communicate with each other, which helps in team building. By doing this we are going to help people with their stress and try to make them think about something else than the problems that they can eventually have. We see Canopy Pinilla as a safe place where students can destress and have fun. Some of the new challenges that we are going to undertake include transportation, we have to see how long it takes to go to Pinilla, how long it takes to come back, and who is going to take us there. It also includes the price because we don’t know how we are going to manage this yet but we will work on this and gain new skills. After having found a way to settle all this, we will go to speak with Miss Kenia to be able to put all this in place as soon as possible. 

We are planning to take our class (11th grade) to the canopy for a test run to see how it all works, this will also be our IB field trip. Ideally, we would like to organize this field trip before the MUN. 

Created By: Caro & Shana, Pinilla/La Paz

Uploaded To: Canopy Therapy

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