
My life revolves around many life goals and dreams I have, but a goal without a plan is only a dream. This new year I set many goals for myself, and I have been making sure to work day by day to achieve them. My goals for this new trimester are not only about school, they also include my social and personal life as well. I know that if I didn´t start working on my goals before the new year I would more likely stop working and lose motivation. This is why I started working towards most of my goals before the new year and start of school. My goals for this trimester regarding school are to keep up the determination I have, to keep being proactive and getting work done before time, to learn to manage my stress, try new things and to find a balance. Now, balance is something that applies to all areas of my life, I am learning to manage my time and not let school and IB keep me from doing what I love. On the other hand, in my social life, I want to spend more time with my family and friends. I want to go visit my family more often and reconnect with old friends. I will also hang out with my classmates out of school and have as much fun as possible. Lastly, I want to focus more on my mental, physical, and emotional health. I have already started working in this area since the break. I have made exercise part of my daily routine, before going to school I exercise for 20 minutes and then take a shower and continue my day with energy. I also try to go to sleep early and eat as healthy as possible. The reason why I set myself all these goals are that I realized I had made the school the center of my life, I had stopped doing what I like and spending time with the people I love the most. I had become an unhappy person, full of stress and concern about the future. I didn’t want to be that person anymore, so after school ended I reflected and reconnected with the real me. I realized how much I missed my family and how much I missed out on. I also realized I had to stop playing soccer, running, eating healthy, and doing exercise which was what helped me with stress. That was when it hit me, I was tired of living that life and really wanted a change, and look at me now. I am back where I wanted to be and trying my best to keep it that way. I have already made a daily schedule for myself, I make one every day based on the activities I have. Within school, I managed my time in order to do all my homework and still have time to hang out with friends. During school, I try my best and focus to be able to understand every topic. After school I come home to take a 1-hour nap, then I wake up work till 7:30 pm and from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm I have free time to either go out for ice cream with friends or just chill and watch Netflix. This helps me get my work done and do work even if it isn’t due. About my social life, as I mentioned before I spend more time with my friends after school or on weekends. I will visit my family in San Jose every 2 weeks because that way I won’t miss out on anything happening. Now, I have reconnected with my best friend from childhood and my best friend from Peru and have apologized for drifting apart and hope to start back from where we left. However, I will do anything to win them back and to show them how much I love them and how significant they are to me. In the health area, as I said before I am doing exercise, and I have my mom on top of me to do it all the time. She wakes me up every morning at 5:00 am to get my exercise done and to continue my day. My day schedule for each school morning starts with my 20 min exercise and is followed by a healthy breakfast which my mom always makes. If I don’t start my day with my exercise and eat healthy my mom doesn’t let me go out with my friends later. In school, I try to get as much work done as I can so that when I get home I have more free time. After school, If I have an after-school activity I have to go, otherwise, I am not allowed to use my phone. This trimester I am joining cheerleading and going back to soccer as well. This is how I am keeping myself on track, through the use of my mom´s authority which is important to me. She is not only my motivation to having a better and healthier lifestyle but she is also pushing me to my limits and to take risks. I let my mom chose my consequences because she knows me very well and will help me through this process. I am happy because I can say I am working to accomplish my goals because I love myself and need to start doing what I love to, without school keeping me from doing it.

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