Project Goals

This trimester is big for our projects, and we definitely have many goals. Starting off, this trimester is the trimester in which we have to work the hardest and it’s more time demanding. We want to at least get done 60% of the yearbook. Our first goal is to form an official yearbook committee because without one the process will be more challenging for Ashley and I. Therefore, this week we need to announce during morning meeting and even go to each individual class, convincing students to join. After this, we will need to teach them the basics, how to use pictavo and arrange who is doing what. We need to also tell them to constantly take pictures and ask teachers for pictures before time. Now, regarding our job as leaders, our goals are different. we need to learn how to use another program to create the format for the students’ portraits and then be able to add this to Pictavo. This process is very complicated and is why Willa will be guiding and helping us through. We then have to start selling ads to put in the yearbook and to get more money to pay for the inscription of Pictavo and hopefully lower the price and help scholarship students. After picture day, which is close by, we will start this process. In order to organize this, we are working along with Genna the photographer. This is one of our main priorities for right now and we have even started talking with all the “casa” administrators to agree on what days work best for everyone. After all of this is finished, our main focus is to get the yearbook committee working hard on all the pages so that this way we are able to complete everything by the end of this trimester. Another goal we have set for ourselves is to stay on top of the seniors so that they finish their own page in time and there are no problems regarding those. Now, during the break we will go over all the pages, making sure everything is complete and we aren’t missing anything. Once that’s done, we will be contacting the Nacion leader, with whom we have printed our yearbooks on previous years and send them the pdf of it. After this, we would only need to worry about graduation day to upload those pictures and be ready to turn in our yearbook fully finished to Pictavo. Once we do this, we will be accomplishing our general goal which would be to create the yearbook. Ashley and I are completely aware of all the possible problems that can occur during this process but Ashley and I are very positive and proactive leaders which will keep going no matter what. We’ve always been on top of things that have to be done and tried to get as much done as we can before the “due date” so we have more time and can fix anything if something goes wrong. These are our main goals for this project, and I know we will be able to make it through. Now, the hardest part of this CAS project would be the Boston Exchange Project. This is what our real challenge is, but as I said before in earlier entries, I won’t give up. I don’t want to and I never will, because this project means a lot to me. To start, we need a lot of fundraisers, to raise at least half of the money. For this, we talked to Mileidy and Willa, to know about their process. They recommended us to start fundraising before going to Leticia. They said we could do activities like bingo, movie nights, bake sales, collaborating with other students when to comes to big events, asking for donations… Once we have raised some money, we will go speak to Leticia and figure out the other logistics of the trip. If we have challenges raising the money we will go ask for donations to business who might be willing to help. Furthermore, we will also try to set up a go fund me page for this project. Willa said, she would send an email to Abby and her team to present us as the new leaders of this project and to connect us. We will work as hard as possible with this project, we dedicate ourselves to the yearbook project more last trimester, which is why we are now putting all our energy on making this trip happen. We know this won’t be easy, but if we will stay on top of the requirements, work hard on both projects and have a balance between our school lives and personal lives, then we will be able to make this possible not only for us but for the students, teachers, and teenagers that will be linked to this exchange program. I know how hard I need to work and how much dedication I need to give this project, but I know from the bottom of my heart that I am not a quitter and that I will give my all to make this a reality.

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