Our Goals For This Trimester!

This trimester, I definitely have many goals for my CAS project. First of all, this is the trimester in which our Yearbook project gets more than 60% done. That’s our overall goal but to achieve it, we have to set ourselves smaller goals. Our first goal is to officially form a yearbook committee because without one, we aren’t going to be able to create the yearbook. So this week we need to announce during morning meeting and even go class by class, convincing students to join our committee. Then we have to teach them the basics of using Pictavo and making sure they are constantly taking picture and asking teachers for pictures from field trips and activities. Then comes the goals for Melanie and I. We have to learn how to use another program to create the format for the students’ portraits and then be able to add this to Pictavo. This is a very complicated process which is why we will be meeting with Willa so she can teach us how to do it. Then we also have to start selling ads to put in the yearbook and to get more money to pay for the inscription of Pictavo and hopefully lower the price and help any scholarship student. We will hope to do all of this after we successfully organize the annual picture day along with Genna the photographer. This is one of the priorities for right now and we have even started talking with all the “casa” administrators to agree on what days work best for everyone. After all of this is done, our main focus is to get the yearbook committee working hard on all the pages, that way we are able to complete everything by the end of this trimester. Another goal will be to be on top of the seniors as they each have to create their own page and we need them to do this hopefully before the end of the trimester in order to have everything ready. During the next break we will be going over all the pages, making sure everything is complete. Once that’s done, we will be contacting the Nacion leader, with whom we have printed our yearbooks on previous years and send them the pdf of it. Once all of this is done, the only thing that we have to do is wait until graduation day to upload those picture and be ready to turn in our yearbook fully finished to Pictavo. By the time we do this, we would be very close to meeting our general goal of this project. The only thing missing would be receiving them and handing them out to the students. I am fully aware that many things could go wrong during this process or we could have many obstacles, but I’m one of those people that doesnt like thinking about that and specially since Melanie and I have been very proactive with this project. We have always been on top of things that have to be done and try to get as much done as possible before the “due date” in order to have more time to fix anything if something goes wrong. These are our main goals for this project and I have a really strong feeling that we will be able to succeed. This won’t be easy and I am saying this because on the other hand we have another project that has to be taken care of. This is the Boston Exchange Project. For this one we will be needing to do a lot of fundraisers to raise at least half of the money that we need for this project. This is our main goal and the one that we are really worried about. We talked with Mileidy and she recommended us to first start fundraising by doing movies nights, collaborating with other students when to comes to big events, asking for donations, among others. Once we have some money raised, we can then go talk to the Cepia leaders to talk about all the logistics of the trip. If we don’t get to fundraise enough money, we will try to overcome this challenge by asking for donations from sponsors and members of the community. We will work as hard as possible to make this trip happen again. Before all of this, what we can do is introduce ourselves to Cepia and briefly mention that we will be wanting to continue this project that was successfully initiated by Willa and Mileidy. We know that this won’t be easy at all, but if we are always on top of all the requirements from both projects and have a balance between these, our school lives and personal lives, then we know that we will be able to make this possible not only for us, but for the students, teachers and specially the teenagers that will be linked to this exchange program.

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