What Is Something I Am Proud Of?

I have always loved music and singing. When I was younger, I always dreamed of becoming a singer along with both my siblings Emily and Joustinne. I used to take singing lessons 2 times a week and learned to play the ukulele. As a kid, music has always been a passion for me but also a family tradition. As I grew up I started loving music more and more, I would sing at church and present in front of large audiences. I had a bad experience once, I was very sick, and I still sang in church no matter what, I didn’t do such a great job. I also lost my voice for a couple days, so I left singing behind and focused more on my other passions, like soccer and writing. Until one day, reality came knocking at my door. This week my sister Emily had a presentation in the coffee house, a talent show that takes place in school every trimester. I was there to support Emily. She was very nervous and scared to present by herself. She came looking for me, I tried to cheer her on but she didn’t want to sing alone. I stepped up and decided to support her on stage, I sang with my sister and I am extremely proud of that. I am proud of standing up and being a risk taker because singing in front of people is challenging for me. I was also sick for the presentation, my throat hurt and that didn’t matter to me, because all I wanted to do was help my sister. Being able to stand in front of all those parents and sing with Emily was one of the most amazing moments ever. I had to learn the song in 10 minutes and do my best to harmonize with her. Thankfully everything went well, the beginning was rough but we picked it up and did a wonderful job. My brother was very proud and so was I, for being able to step up and be there for my sister, and for doing something I am normally not comfortable with. I know maybe this isn’t so big of a deal, but the little things in life are the ones who make us better people, create the best memories, and are the most significant.

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