What Am I Most Proud Of?

Through the initiation process of this journey, a lot has happened in just a very short amount of time such as hard work, meeting new people, learning outcomes of how to start a business, and teamwork. This CAS project might have been aimed at first as a project for school and making sure it was effective to get the perfect grade, but it’s much more than that. Building, protecting, creating something a business that is so important to you, it doesn’t become a project anymore it becomes a part of you truly are. The hard work that you put into something reflects your identity and who you are as a person, and the youth center shows that not just about me but about everyone that has been part of the creation of Terraza. Diversity, love, entertainment, compassion, commitment and hope. These are qualities that we as individuals have embedded into Terraza, which is what our youth center reflects to its audience. The reflection that Terraza offers is one of the things I am most proud of, but not only I have implicated those qualities, Terraza itself has made me grow and has implicated learning outcomes for me to learn through the initiation process and creation of it. Teamwork (working collaboratively), time management, respect, communication and drive. Working effectively with others is crucial for success while communicating in an efficient manner, these are some of the things that I could never do successfully before the start of this project as well as learning on how to manage my time proficiently, how to balance my social and academic life. I am not only proud of how Terraza has turned out; each and every team member’s personality is reflected by the youth center towards our demographic audience but the way I’ve turned out as an individual and the the elements I have learned throughout the making process of this youth center, I’m so proud to call myself an entrepreneur of the Terraza youth center and it’s all because of the people that have effectively taught me and the way I have grown and learned during this process, this is what I am most proud of!

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