The Impact That Has Left Members Of Our Community!

For our Yearbook Project, lately we have been interacting with many students, teachers and adults which have helped us. This week I feel that Willa has been someone that has surprised us because she has been constantly asking us about the portraits and overall asking how the yearbook is going. For me this has been really significant because she has always been there to help us whenever we didn’t understand or know how to do something or even just because she wanted to. She knows that our next step which is to add the portraits to the yearbook will not be easy, which is why she has been asking us and telling us to let her know when we get them, that way she can help us. This is something that has truly surprised us because we weren’t expecting her to be conscious of our work, especially since she is finishing her last year of school and is probably getting ready for the final exams. Due to this, we are very thankful for her help. We were also surprised by one of our committee members which is currently studying abroad in Italy. Jimena reached us and asked us what she could do to help and also to make her an account in Pictavo in order for her to be able to work on some of the yearbook pages. This is something that made me extremely happy because currently we are needing a lot of help and some of the members who are here, were not being very active with that they had to do, so the fact that she is in Italy and still wants to be active and help us, was really inspiring. However, this week the majority of our committee members got all of the pictures that they need from the grades that they were assigned which is making us move forward with the making of our project. Lastly, there really hasn’t been anyone that has disappointed us, but we did have some miscommunication with Karina. This week we went and talked to her about the payment of the yearbooks and also the ads, wondering how they did last year. So she mentioned that Willa worked with her last year and they had an account for the yearbook where all the money that we made from the ads and the yearbooks would go to. That was basically all she told us and asked us to talk to Willa to know what they did last year, but we already know and we had already mentioned it to her, so that’s why we went directly to talk to her. She didn’t disappoint us but it was an irrelevant conversation the one we had so we are thinking on actually having a meeting with her to talked more about this. Now for the Boston Exchange Program, we have been having a really good progress. First of all, Matt from the Wonderment was someone that helped us finish our CAS video about this project and he inspired us to make it more powerful and shorter, which is something that we appreciate it and we really liked how it turn out. Then Melanie had a really hard time creating the Indiegogo campaign for this project because it had a lot of requirements that we didn’t know how to do. I tried to help her but it was just really hard to understand what they were asking for, so we decided to ask Miss. Amy, especially about the Perks that we had to incorporate. And she did help us understand what it was asking for, even though she doesn’t believe that, but we were just confused on what we could give back to the donors. Then she gave us some ideas and mentioned on doing a video after we take the students to Boston, to show the donors the benefits and outtakes of this project and why their donations were a big help for us. Overall, we have interacted with many member our our community that have helped, surprised and inspired us with both of our projects and it has given us the motivation to keep working hard.

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