
The past three weeks have been tough to say the least. School has been demanding and difficult and my project is in the developing stage. This means that I’m brainstorming and trying to figure out where to go from here. If you know me you know this is a hard thing for me. I like direction. My project has developed on paper but not physically. I am going to try and really get it physically stated in the next couple of weeks in order to be able to work on it during the break. I have been emailing different engineers and asking them about their opinion on my project and about how they think I should or can proceed. I have also been asking different students (they have actually come up with amazing ideas). I want to possibly send out a survey asking if people are interested in not only helping but also just contributing deas in order for me to find the most effective way to proceed. Although the workload has not been high I have learned many valuable lessons in the past couple of week. I struggle with public speaking but it was a necessary part of me moving forward. I needed to make an announcement in community meeting and what I learned from it is that it’s not that scary. Better than that I learned that if you ask for help it can result in some pretty cool things. Me getting up and facing my fear resulted in a connection with a recognized engineer. In the next couple of weeks I will be sure to keep asking questions to see how I can create the most effective machine and ensure that it is capable of making the change I want to make. In the next week I will make a survey and send it out to the school to ask them for their ideas and see how they think I should move forward.

Created By: Sibley Zepeda, Costa Rica


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