
While on vacation I have been doing lots of reflecting. I have been thinking about what I want to do next related to CAS and related to my overall life. My mom has always been an amazing and supportive person in my life although in the previous years she would not interfere with my school career. I have always been extremely responsible and dedicated to school. However she has recently expressed her interest in my academic life. I am a year away from graduating which means college! I am an extremely indecisive person so this large decision is going to be difficult for me. My mom has been helping me a lot in this process. Although she might not be doing it in the way I hoped her effort and dedication to trying to help me pick a place to live for the next 4 years is inspirational. My break has consisted of talks about NYU, UCSD and several other schools that I am interested in. CAS has also been a large focus of this break. My family and I have been discussing where we think my project should go next. What should happen and how I can accomplish it. Before this break I created a survey to try and see what my community thought about my project. The responses were very kind and made me feel ready and excited about what was coming next. Over this break I have learned and developed several new qualities that will benefit not only CAS but my life in general.

Created By: Sibley Zepeda, Costa Rica


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