Activity During Spring Break

As I mentioned frequently I love to dance; I attend dance classes 3 days a week around 3-4 hours a day, and the fact that we have spring break from school doesn’t necessarily mean I have a dane break! So yes i basically kept dancing and attending normal classes all break, except for this week that has come to an end. This week was “Semana Santa” also known as “Holy week” which is a week that ALL schools, jobs and pretty much everyone except fo supermarkets and some restaurants have off. So we had it off, but tomorrow we get back on the dance grind! As I like to call it. We are currently working on our dance recital choreographies, as well as our competition choreographies, hcih we are also presenting at our competition showcase happening later in this upcoming month of May. These past weeks we were main focusing on our jazz funk, hip hop, contemporary and hip hop squad (a specific class) choreographies since our teacher Julian was leaving for vacation for 3 months and we had to finish the dances before he left, ls we have around 3-4 dances per class so they are a lot on their own for him to choreograph and make sure are done before he left. This was a little bit of a challenge for us dancers and for him as a teacher but I am going to talk about my personal experience. For me personally as a dancer and person is really important to try new things and learn new ways in order to even be able to grow both as a dancer and person. You might be thinking: How does learning 16 dances and keep adding to them every Friday, makes you grow as a person?. Well here’s how: first and foremost I personally don’t dance just to dance, or because it’s “cool” I dance because it’s one of my biggest passions, it is when I feel the most comfortable as a being including those really uncomfortable exercises that our teachers makes us do to try and experiment new ways of moving and expressing ourselves in which I feel either like an animal or just like a weird creature. EVEN those moets I enjoy, even when mess up the choreography and my teacher calls me out 5 times for making the same mistake, I enjoy those moments. The relationship I have with my dance teaches, I enjoy those relationships, the years long relationship I also have with my dance classmates/friends even if i’m the second oldest one yet, even if I am almost done with the first year if IB, and they are starting high school. I love that and more I love and enjoy all of it; now you may also be thinking: How does one enjoy being called at by a teacher 5 times, or messing up is that not embarassing? Well of course I don’t enjoy me making the mistake, or the teacher calling me out. Well you see, as every other mistake we make I do feel embarrassed, yet when you realise that those mistakes make you stronger, and and will make me a better dancer, when you learn that every single correction that your dance teacher gives you, you should LISTEN to, INTERNALIZE, and en APPLY to your dance. I don’t think of it as something THAT bad, in fact I think it is good because if I do what I should do about that mistake then I will most likely not make it again, and even if I do then I will know what to do about it next time.

Other that I just swam and you could say I ran from helping my mom with the kids and the house a little more than usual. I love helping her though so for me it’s just an extra exercise!
PS: I tried uploading one of my dance videos but it was too heavy so here I leave some screenshots from some videos.

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