In the upcoming two weeks I will be focusing on the service aspect of my CAS project, now that I am beginning to initiate phase 2 of my aquaponic/nutritional education project it is time to engage the community and find the most efficient way to promote nutrition and have a prolonged impact on the community, with the hopes that they make changes in their diet if necessary. I am still developing an idea to do this in the most effective way possible, that’s why my initial step into this new phase is to try out my practices with the 5th-grade class. I have previously participated in their classroom and their Anchor Project of sustainable practices, so my plan for them in the next upcoming weeks if for them to come to visit my garden and teach them how to make a salad out of the ingredients in my garden. For this, I will have to contact Mr.Brian to coordinate the field trip as well as Noah and Luis Felipe in order for them to share what they are doing with the class as well.
How can I make my project accessible to the global population?
I can make my project accessible to the global population by sharing and documenting every step of the way which I am doing on the wonderment, which has actually been a very useful tool to keep track of my project in an organized way. Not only am I making the information accessible but I am making my aquaponic system out of mostly recycled materials for the purpose to prove that you don’t​ need a lot of money to eat sustainable and organic vegetables.
What is the purpose of my activity? Why did I choose this activity, this location, this date and time
The activity that I am beginning to plan with Mr.Brian is a field trip to my house in Matapalo which is where the system is, in the field trip the 5th-grade class will prepare a salad out of ingredients that are possible to grow in the aquaponic system. Since I am still attempting to grow my crops I will not be ready to make salads with ingredients grown in my own system quite yet, but that it one of my final activities to organize; a cooking day with ingredients grown in my own system. I do this because the other part of my project is to spread nutritional education and who better to spread it to the future generations. I have not yet determined the date and time yet I know that It will be in the next few weeks.
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