We’ve created this youth center to make sure that parents feel comfortable to have their children at our youth center, and it’s our job to make sure that these teenagers stay safe, especially in a town where a lot goes on. Teenagers are at an age where they want to experience everything and are in a rush when it comes to everything that surrounds them, wanting to be ahead of everyone and wanting to be the first person to have done what’s most recent and popular, no matter how dangerous it is. Terraza is a youth center that ensures everyone entertains themselves in a safe manner but we can’t control what substances or behaviors that are brought into the center. A lot of different responsibilities are needed to be taken into consideration when we host events for younger teenagers because we never know what can go wrong, as one of the leaders of the youth center, I need to be overly prepared with what could possibly happen as well as my teammates need to be aware of the surroundings while large events are hosted at the youth center. We’ve taken risks that have lead to positive outcomes such as advertising two days before an event which isn’t the best option for our business but a large number of people showed in the end. But this doesn’t compare to dangerous risks that could occur in the future such as bringing in drugs into the youth center, or someone getting hurt. The nearest available hospital is in Huacas which is about thirty minutes away from the youth center, so if something really bad happens, there could be a time where we won’t have sufficient time to get there meaning the youth center needs to get first aid kit for these types of situations, which is the first thing on my to-do list. CPR is something that the youth center wants to provide for the youth participants, we want to have classes of CPR at the youth center, not only because it’s important but because we are projecting the importance of health and being overly prepared for these kinds of situations that can happen at any time of the day. It’s crucial for Terraza to be overly prepared for the future risks we could possibly have and will be something I will be working on with my team.

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