
This week has been a confusing one. I realized that I have been very unmotivated in regards to my project. This isn’t because I don’t like the idea or feel passionate about it. The reason I am struggling is due to the type of person I am. I like to work in groups, it helps motivate me and helps me move forward at a more effective pace. I am now realizing that when choosing a CAS project you can’t just think about your passions you need to think about how you motivate yourself. It is an 18 month program and you are in charge. Yes we have a teacher that helps and guides us but it is your responsibility to ensure that you complete CAS. To me CAS isn’t just that it’s a way for me to find my passions, its a way for me to make IB enjoyable, and lastly it’s a way for me to give back to the community that has given me so much. I have been working on this eco brick project for a while now and I realise that I am not motivated enough for me to make the change I want to make. This has been hard for me ti admit but I don’t want to fail IB I need to change my project. Although I am changing project I am not going to abandon the idea if the plastic machine. I am hoping to either help a 10th grader do it for CAS or an 11th grader who doesn’t have a project. I emailed Laeticia and I will be helping with the IUD project. I love helping others and I will be working in a group with Alexa. This will help me stay motivated. I volunteered on saturday with this project and really enjoyed myself. I know that in the future I will want to do more work like this so I believe that this CAS project won’t only be beneficial to me now but also in the future. After weighting the pros and cons I realize that this is the best option for me.

Created By: Sibley Zepeda, Costa Rica


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