
This break has been amazing in many ways. Not only have I been able to spend time with my family, spend time with friends, have some alone time, sleep, and work. This break has been great to spend time and go out with friends, I even already celebrated my 18th birthday with my friends in San Jose! The first week of break I worked at a camp with Miss. Ximena. This camp was a beach camp in Tamarindo, many kids from all ages came to have fun and share with their friends. I worked all week and had so much fun! I had to teach kids how to surf, I had to plan and set up games for them such as dodgeball, soccer, boogie boarding, and more… I have worked with kids before and I absolutely love it especially the younger kids because they are way too adorable. Over the years I have learned to treat and reach kids. I have many siblings and have had to learn to be patient with them. Most days we had to take the kids surfing and play soccer with them. Others we took them fishing, golfing, made art, went running… My favorite day was probably the day we went to Monkey Bar where we spend almost the entire day in the pool and played many pool games with the kids. The entire camp I was in charge of the small kids, there was one girl who was 3 years old and never left my side. She is so adorable and actually goes to our school. Her name is Daniela and she is the cutest baby ever. At the end of the camp, she would call me mom, which I thought was so funny but cute. This is why I love camps so much because you end up loving the kids and building an unbreakable bond with them. Now, regarding activity, I spend my entire break working out, playing soccer, running and even started going to the gym. I joined a new team to play soccer in and I am so happy to start playing with them. They welcomed me very well and they already treat me like part of the family which is nice. We train every Monday and Friday for two hours, which is so much but it’s worth it. Now that school almost starts, I will start doing the gym twice a week, because I really do need to find a balance between work, school, family, friends, and soccer. I go to school from Mondays to Fridays and on the weekends work, so I have to manage my time to be able to do it all. I work for 10 hours both Saturdays and Sundays, and I really don’t have much free time. However, I am already making space to spend time with friends once a week and plan on continuing this. Overall I enjoyed my break and I am ready to start trimester 3!

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