
Back at it like we never left! We are back in school, and this means we have much work to get done. Over the break, we finished the portraits and to finish other pages we were missing in the yearbook. We also contacted businesses to receive their ads as soon as possible. The past 3 weeks we worked very hard in order to make progress and we did! Now we need to focus on finishing some details such as chicken page, getting the money to pay for pictavo and to cover the scholarship students’ yearbooks and also add the ads in. Whereas for the Boston Project we have many things to do, we need to email all the donors and thank them for their support, we need to contact Reserva Conchal and asked them if it is possible to use their installations for the bingo, plan fundraisers, meet with Cepia, movie night.
Schedule for the next 2 weeks (Ashley and I)
Chicken page- Speak with Miss. Amy S. or J. to see what they want us to put in these pages.
11th CAS project page- Ask Miss. Amy Jacobs to tell us what the 11th graders have to say about their CAS projects and have them do it as part of CAS homework in order for us to not be after them trying to get them to do it.
Getting money from ads- We need to talk to Karina to get the account that we will use to get the money into from all the companies that purchased an ad.
Email La Nación- Send them an email telling them that we will be needing their services again and sending them all the information that they require in order to prepare for the printing of the yearbooks.
Send a thank you letter to all the donors of our Boston Project- As the campaign has ended, we need to thank all the people that were kind enough to donate to our powerful project.
Finish more than 85% of the Yearbook- Complete most of the pages, check them as done and wait for the seniors to finish their pages. We also would only be missing the Graduation page.
Plan bingo- We need to plan a fundraiser, in this case, a Bingo for the parents of our community as a way to raise more money for the Boston Project.
Email Reserva conchal- We plan on doing the bingo in Reserva Conchal which is why we also have to email them to see if they would be willing to let us use their installations.
Bingo Prizes- Make a letter from the school that we will use to try to get prizes from local companies, stores, restaurants, hotels, etc. We already have a list of possible companies we could contact, we just have to make the letter and go talk to each one of them.
Meet with Cepia- We really want to talk to Lauren about the project, so we are hoping to schedule a meeting with her or Laeticia and see if they have already chosen the kids that will be going this year.
Over the trimesters I have realized many things about my projects. I realized the impact but also the consequences of our actions. We are benefiting our community and working towards a greater good, but we are also leaving some pieces behind that can also bring sadness upon some members of the community. We are mainly focusing on bringing girls on the trip and choosing to ignore the fact we could bring boys also. However, it is better to bring girls because that way we could connect and have a closer relationship with them, then we would with boys. Furthermore, I believe that because we are only giving this opportunity to girls this could make boys feel excluded somehow or even discriminated. Therefore, our plan is to have one boy and one girl takes over this project next year, that way when it comes to choosing the students at Cepia, the boys will receive this opportunity as well.
Now I have also realized the importance of this project not only in my community but also worldwide. Even though our project seems small it is actually taking into consideration one of the worlds’ most important problems. Poverty. Poverty is something that is found everywhere in the world. It’s something that people don’t deserve, it’s a problem that unfortunately takes opportunities away from people. This is something that can be stopped, but not just through 2 young women who have a dream. It can only happen if people start joining and creating a chain reaction of support towards these people. It can only happen if others put their hands in their heart and provide opportunities like this project to people in their communities. I am not saying that if people donate thousands of dollars this problem will stop because it’s most likely to not. I am saying that if we open doors for children especially if we give them a good education if we send them on the right track, poverty can start diminishing. And why you may ask yourself. Because the future doesn’t belong to us, it belongs to our CHILDREN. They are the ones who can actually change it all, poverty can stop. But only if we plant that seed and water it until it is ready to flourish, grow, and continue to plant its own seeds. How do you know that’s possible? Well simply because I myself am the living proof of that!

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