Dancing Club

In the 13 years, I have been in La Paz there have been rarely any school clubs. This is why Miss Audrey our College and Career Prep teacher asked us to come up with a club idea. As usual, Ashley and I agreed on working collaboratively since we do that very well. However, one of our closest friends joined as well. We decided to make a dancing club. But why a dancing club? What does it have to do with the yearbook or the Boston project? Honestly, this club doesn’t connect to our projects, but it´s something that all three of us love to do. I personally started dancing since 5. I started learning all types of Latin dances like cumbia, bachata, salsa, merengue, and danzal. Then Ashley and I joined ballet and jazz classes at the age of 7 and we learned so much. I kept on dancing till I was 14. Then I stopped because I wanted to do soccer instead. Now, we decided to create a dancing club that was not only going to dance but that we could also watch videos and learn about dancing history. We wanted to create a group of boys and girls who love dancing and can, later on, we grow into a small family. We want this club not only to be a place where students share their interests, but also a place that they feel comfortable in, and that they have friends in grades8th to 11th. We truly aspire to make this club a fun environment for students to be and for them to learn more about their passions. This club stretches my creativity in a way that allows me to explore other dance styles that I haven´t yet learn. As well as allows me to learn from students in younger grades that dedicate their lives to dancing. We will be creating choreographies in which we all participate and hopefully taking field trips in order to learn more about dance. As I said before, I will be leading this club along Ashley’s and Camila’s side. Working with them will be fun but also challenging. Especially with Camila, we are very good friends, but we both have similar personality traits. We both like to lead and have control over certain situations. I am more of a calm person, but I do like things to get done. Even though it will be challenging to work with her, I understand that sometimes in life it won’t be easy to work with certain people, but you have to adapt and learn. So whereas for now, I am positive that everything will be fine and we will do an excellent job. Furthermore, we need to meet every week to plan and initiate an activity. The club will meet each Thursday during lunch and we need to have an activity to do with the students. We will take turns each week to plan an activity to do. One week I will come up with an idea and the girls will help me make it happen and vice-versa. Our ideas, for now, are watching videos, bringing a professional to teach us, and making our own choreography. We are being active by actually getting up and moving around which in CAS we don´t really do. By exercising and doing something fun for us and for other students. I am very excited about this and I can´t wait to tell you more about it!

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