Factual Entry

The past 4 weeks, we focused mainly on the yearbook project since it was soon to be done and we were still missing some details. For example, some of our pages had too much writing and not many photos, so we wanted to have a balance between those and in order to do this, we had to find more photos and edit the texts. We also had to make some pages more attractive, to be able to catch the audience’s attention. For example the chicken and bees pages, I edited them and added clip arts and other photos to make them more appealing and not just text. Ashley and I also worked on adding ads in and making sure we didn’t leave any student or teacher out. To do this I had to go over each class and verify they all matched the list of students that Gabby provided for me. With this list, we also fixed the names of students that were spelled wrong and we did the same for the teachers. Finally, we made a survey on Google forms to send out to all the parents and families of La Paz. With this form, parents will order the yearbooks and the finance team of La Paz will help us keep the money safe and more organized. However, there are some problems we face with the team managing the money and some parents aren’t happy about it. So for the future, we will advise the next yearbook leaders to do the money by themselves.
This week we are starting to focus mainly on the Boston project because the Yearbook is now done, however, we need to figure out many logistics and receive the info from the business that bought the ad to send out the invoice bill. We also are emailing the pdf to La Nacion to print them out and have them before the break ends. We will also be paying April for pictavo and also asking the business for their business cedulas to be able to charge them for the ads. For the Boston project, we already have the names of the girls, however, their age is not appropriate for the trip, so, therefore, Ashley and I are going to Cepia this Wednesday and meeting with Lauren to find other girls and hopefully next week to meet with them. This week we are also starting to plan the logistics for our next fundraiser which will be a tea day mixed with family board games, and at them, we will plan a video game tournament and we will be talking to Terraza about this. The tea and board game night we will do hopefully in 2 weeks. To make sure this happens we will meet after school at her house or in school. By the start of this week, we will already be asking families of La Paz to lend us board games. Furthermore, we will be buying different teas and snacks that we will be providing for families. We will also figure out how much the entrance cost will be and other logistics.
Over the next 3 weeks, we will be having our fundraisers, meeting the girls and their families, and starting to teach them English, starting to get to know them so that they are comfortable with us. We will also be doing the visa process with them and have them do their passport process. For the yearbook, we will be receiving the yearbooks, paying La Nacion and distributing the yearbooks to the students.
Ashley’s and I’s ideas and plans for this break is to meet with the girls on the weekends to spend more time with them, we will take surf lessons, go on hikes, go to the movies and many other activities like these to have them feel very comfortable with us. We will continue to teach them English and help them in their visa processes. Ashley and I will also be meeting to plan events during break and think of some other ways we can fundraise outside of school. We will be going around to businesses asking for donations and we will partner up with my uncle’s business in San Jose to send the video out to his contact and to the tourists that rent his houses. We will also meet with Lauren to send the video and go fund me link to their contacts. Our plan is to promote the project as much as we can. We will also be finding some more chaperons that would like to go on the trip and help us. We will also be choosing who in our class can go on the trip with us, we will be taking many leadership aspects into consideration.

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