Planning And Initiating

I was watching my classmates struggle in Math, and I felt really bad, and wanted to help, so then I thought “why not do extra Math classes,” people only come if they want to, I explain to them what we are studying in Math right now, and they ask questions when they don’t understand. The class is based on what we are doing in class at the moment, so that I can help with any questions or confusions on the subject.
The purpose of my activity, is to help my classmates pass Math class, make them more confident in doing Math, and push them to do better. I chose to do this activity, because it is the class that I most excel at, and the class that most people are lagging behind in, I chose to do this activity in the Math class because it is where we have Math, and it is where the last period of Thursday happens, I chose to do my Math Addict classes on Thursday because it is the only day when I have the time other than Friday, and nobody wants to do any extra classwork on Friday, so Thursday afternoon was the best time that I could do it. The reason that I am doing it from 3;15-4:30, is that it is right after school, but gives people enough time to get changed or go to the bathroom or do anything they might want to, also, it is right after school, and I wanted to do it for the same time as if it was an extracurricular activity, also, an hour is the most that people are willing to do the class, and some people leave a bit earlier as it is.
The goals of the Math Addict classes, is to strengthen my classmates’ understanding of the topics we are undertaking in Math, and to help them pass. I have only recently begun doing the classes, but from the positive feedback I’ve been getting from my classmates, I would say that I am succeeding, even if slightly.

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  1. MissAmy

    December 3, 2018

    Dag, Thank you for explaining your reasoning in such ********** sounds like the motivation for the project is genuine and that the time and place are well suited for the class. Keep us updated as to how it is going! Miss Amy

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