Factual Journal Entry

For the last 4 weeks, I haven’t gotten a lot done, which is entirely my fault. The last thing that I’m missing for the website is a tutorial that outlines what and how you edit, translate, and move around the site. I have an outline/script of what I need to say and what I’m going to record, but I just need to sit down when I have a couple of hours and crank it out, and then edit it and upload it to YouTube so that anyone from CEPIA can use it. I don’t know if I can make it bilingual, because I don’t know any of the technical terms for site building in Spanish, and there is a lot. I will probably make it private, so that not everyone sees the inside of CEPIA website. This will hopefully be done before I get out for vacation, so that I don’t have to worry or stress about it, and instead can stress about the fundraiser we are planning. That is what I will be working the most on during my vacation, along with my Extended Essay. We decided to reschedule this event from July 5th to a date in 12th grade, in the first trimester due to the amount of work and stress we are currently under.

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