Email 1:
Dear Shari,
I wanted to thank you for your help in my CAS project this year.
You took time out of your day to answer all my questions, even if I asked the same one several times.
You are the main star of my CAS project video, and I couldn’t have asked for a better person or for a better dog cast.
You got me interested in dog training, you were my main inspiration for this CAS project, and I thank you for all your help and support.
Thank you
Email 2:
Dear Amy Jacobs,
I wanted to express my gratitude to you for helping me with my CAS project this year.
You were there Wednesday for an hour to help me and everybody else with our CAS projects.
You gave me great ideas on what to do, and helped push me in the right direction.
You found people for me to contact and discuss my CAS project and make it better.
You were the final push I needed to start selling at the Feria, helping me raise money for my CAS project.
Thank you
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