Rochelle Gratitude Email

You probably know why I’m sending you this email. However, i’ve been trying to find a non cheesy way to express my gratitude, so now I have this assignment as a way to officially thank you.

Since the beginning of the project , you’ve been an inspiration. The way you genuinely care about the environment is unlike anything i’ve ever seen in anyone our age. You’re actually passionate about the ocean, which is unfortunately extremely rare; and that passion shows itself in our project. The way you diligently water our plants, and are always thinking about them shows that you have a real emotional connection to nature.

And that’s something that you taught me, even if you don’t realize it. You taught me how to care about these important global issues. So every time I see some kinda news about plastic, I kinda feel like I only started caring because you taught me how to.

So yeah, this still turned out cheesy, but hopefully I gave you an idea of how much working with you has impacted me.

Thank you for everything,


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