Gratitude Journal Entry

This trimester I am extremely proud of how far my project has come. I’ve made immense progress and will keep working over summer. This trimester, I reflected donations and funds that will go to the renting of a place, as well as food. I did all measurements for the girls, started the outfits which are almost done, and even did fittings for 3 of them. But I didn’t do all of this by myself, most of the credit goes to Doña Marlen; she has helped me throughout this whole process and has been behind the scenes with all of the making of the outfits, the measurements and more. In general, tons of people have helped me either directly or indirectly, but the other person who has given me support, help and guidance through my project has been my mom. She drove me around San José to find fabrics, she helped me with ideas, she was the one who told me to reach out to Dona Marlen, and more. But let’s not forget about Miss Amy, even though she may not be driving me around, or helping me sew clothes, she has been one of my biggest supporters and believers with this project. She constantly encourages me to keep going even if its hard, and acknowledges when I work hard. These three women have been the center of my project in terms of support and contribution and I cannot be more grateful.
When we fail to acknowledge or dismiss the contributions of others, regardless how big or small, we miss an opportunity to strengthen the core of our community; the value of what people bring to the organization. -Jimmy Casas

(I am writing Miss Amy and my mom an email, and texting Doña Marlen because she doesn’t have email)

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