Update: Abby Meeting and Dress Down Day 12/02/2021
Abby Meeting and Dress Down Day 12/02/2021
On Friday the 12th we organized a meeting with Abby at Tacos and Beer. It went really well, we were able to get to know Abby better and vice versa. As well, we had effective communication with her so she can be our guide throughout the project. She gave us some tasks that will keep us motivated and working for a couple of months. Some of those tasks are opening a gofundme and sharing it on every social media platform that we have. Another task is looking over the previous itineraries used and so we have an idea of how we want to layout ours. We also got to contact Liz, Willa, and Mileidy which we will be working collaboratively with them and using them as guides as well. They will be very helpful because they have already experienced the planning and other aspects of this trip.
We also sent an email to the school requesting a dress-down day for this upcoming Friday 19th. This will give us the option of collecting small amounts of money that will still be helpful for the growth of our project. It will cost 500 colones and we are planning to do it with Chirripo and Tenorio campus.