Update: Amanda- Journal Entry January 11th 2020
Amanda- Journal Entry January 11th 2020
he clean up started at 7: 30, however, I was late for which reason I started cleaning up at around 7:50. The garbage found was divided into two bags, normal trash, and recycling, likewise, we were also given gloves and sunscreen by the rest of the team. Kati and I went together, her with the recycling bag and me with the normal trash bag. We started at the beginning of the beach alongside the forest and picked up what we found. As we walked we ended in near a small estuary where we met with the other volunteers. We faced some challenges like the trash being moved by the wind into the bushes and it couldn’t be reached due to the large spikes. Luckily, the clean up was successful either way and now Potrero beach is clean from a lot of trash.