Update: Amanda- Journal Entry September 11th 2019
Amanda- Journal Entry September 11th 2019
This event started at 8:30 when we arrived at Danta beach. That day we had the pleasure of working alongside our classmates from the 11th grade to help clean the beach and town as well as planting trees in the sand at the beach. First, we received a short talk from a representative of the municipality that was about the importance of reforestation the coast and the plan he had for the plantation that day. Then we separated everyone into two groups; one group would do the plantation while the other goes to the soccer field in Potrero to do a clean up. This happened until 10:15am when we had to go back to school. The plantation was a success, we planted around 35 trees in Playa Penca and cleaned a big quantity of the garbage in the Potrero soccer field. I used the skill of risk takers since the original plan was to do the clean up at the beach but it was already very clean so me and my teammates had to do quick decision making and took the risk of splitting the group in two different locations.