The approaches to learning that I think I am using most while working on my project are communication skills and self-management skills. I struggle with self management a lot because of my executive dysfunction but I at least am not alone in this project and I have a partner to back me up, I am working on keeping myself motivated because although this month is getting more and more stressful every day, I love Halloween so the fact that I get to organize the schools equivalent makes me really excited for what's to come. Communication skills are also super important because I have to coordinate with everyone else I'm working with, we have our students sponsoring students group of middle school kids who are going to help us, the 6th grade is helping organize the haunted house, then there are parents who are willing to help us too. These skills that I'm developing are helping me for the future because I definitely am going to need to be able to communicate thoroughly with people I work with whether that be in a job or for just day to day life. The photo I posted was from when Keylor and I were working on making decorations over summer, it was before we were as stressed as we are now, but I'm glad we got some work done because then it is less work for the future.