School-Work-Hobbits-Work-school-Work-Hobbits etc. That’s my summer explained in 7 words. No traveling, no parties and no waste of time. The reason is that I’m putting basically all my effort and energy into this 3 things, in order to get better on them.
In turning 18 in 2 weeks from today. Yes! Wow! Adult? Nah. I’ll be the same. But getting to this age, makes me think back to how long I’ve lived and this makes me see that you need to dedicate some time for yourself. If not life would be boring. I’m not saying it’s not, but it would be even more boring. Things like soccer, running and exercise in general, it’s what makes me feel motivated to continue doing what I want. So doing something you love is always important to continue doing what you really want to do.
It’s bad to dedicate all yourself to something or somebody I guess. The reason why I don’t have a girlfriend!Jk
Now that I’m going back to school I’m trying to get more things to do in order to be able to deal with all the pressure iI will have on top of my shoulders.
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