Building my team

My team is so big and so full of people that help me succeed it makes me so grateful when I think about them.

The teachers and administrators that surround me at La Paz Community School. We all have the same goal in mind. That is to create engaging learning experiences for the students at the school. It is exciting, challenging, and exhilarating when we are all working together to create an interdisciplinary lesson plan that spans our classes. It is exciting to help each other improve our lessons. It is exciting to be motivated by what they are doing and watching the kids respond to all of us as a unit.

I am also surrounded by the students in my classes. They are what drives me and their enthusiasm for the subject that I teach and their projects makes me better on a daily basis. They are the real support for me. They are my motivation and I am theirs. We feed off each other by being vulnerable and honest and working really really hard.

The Wonderment team has also helped me be successful by helping to create a structure for the projects. It is easy to use and has all the elements that are necessary to create evidence for the IB.

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