Engaging Youth Through Service!

Team Name/Location

Amy Jacobs, Guanacaste Costa Rica

This project is about tracking the ups and downs of starting a project in the community. My project is all about having teenagers learn to help other students in the community with remote learning. I am hoping to gain experience using new platforms and also promoting some of the amazing things that the students are doing here in the rural areas of Costa Rica.

This Collective

Project Owners

Amy Jacobs

What I like:
I love to move. I love every sport that I have ever tried. I like to figure out how to make my body perform. I also like the feeling that I get in my brain when I do something well, like serving in tennis. It is fun to perfect that motion and see the difference in the way the ball moves. I also love being fully in the moment and that is what sports does for me. I also love to teach high school business. It is such a relevant subject that everyone comes in contact with every day. It is always evolving. It has something for everyone. If someone doesn't love personal interaction that is necessary in human resources but loves spreadsheets and numbers we can do that in finance, or if someone wants to be creative marketing is there! It is all connected and shows the need for coordination and communication. It is like a puzzle to figure out the customer and what they like. For me, those are my students. They become my family for the time that I have them and it is so wonderful to see them grow and develop through the 3 years that I have them in class. Everyone of them is a success story. Finding that success is the fun of the job!
What I Do:
I can find the best part of anyone. I love to get to know people on a deeper level and find their strengths and be their champion. I also am a good athlete. I can pretty much figure out how to play most sports and have a great time trying. I am a pretty good teacher and work really hard at finding engaging ways to teach my subjects. I love to try new things in the classroom and have students feel that they have some knowledge after leaving my class.
What I Want:
I want to document what I am doing in the classroom and get some ideas written down. I would like to experience what the students are experiencing when they are working on a project. I would like to add ideas to the community so that others can see them and try them. I also am doing this to become better at reflecting. If possible, I would like to make connections with educators outside of our Guanacaste community.

Plan engaging curriculum

Amy Jacobs

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Implement curriculum

Amy Jacobs

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Reflect on Curriculum

Amy Jacobs

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Theory of knowledge website
Kahoot membership
Padlet membership


La Paz Community School
My job

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