CAS work done Jan, 28th

This Thursday after school ended, my mom and I drove to Cartagena which is about 25 minutes away from the La Paz school. The overall plan for the day was scouting out local businesses and checking to see which could be used as space for the online school activity.

In total, I found 11 businesses around the town that could potentially be used as a room for the high school students. Not every single place had the correct amount of space needed, some being a little small but then there were others that had plenty of space and could work great, especially if it was close to the school.

After scouting out for a bit we headed over to the school and talked to a worker outside the school that was watching by the gate. We asked him how many kids were in the school in which he said around 500 in the high school alone. This actually shocked us since we weren’t expecting that many in total.

The next steps for this project are heading over to the businesses I wrote down and begin speaking with them about my idea and if they would want to cooperate, I also need to talk to Cartagena’s high school director in which I already have her number. We would discuss details about what she thinks about my project and getting the kids who would want to participate in this.

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  1. Amy J.


    February 1, 2021

    I am shocked by that number too! Wow! I am really interested in your conversation with the director. I am sure that they are very very busy right now trying to get the 10th and 11th graders back in the building. However, it would be informative to understand their barriers to education – in linea and in presencial.

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