Cata Human Resources Week 6

This week was all about communication and contacting people for donations. I was able to contact Jen Dizgun who is going to donate clothes for the families. In order to do this, I had to contact Tatiana and ask her about the families that most needed this donation as it was limited. We will meet next week so that she can give me the clothes and I can give them to Tanya. I also had to contact Tatiana and Allen to see how the donations were going because a lot of families are forgetting about this. Unfortunately, they didn’t reply and it was hard to contact them, so I am planning on calling Tatiana to discuss this so I can write the post for Families of La Paz to remind and inform the community. I want to be able to attend the weekly assembly and deliveries of the baskets so that I can feel more connected to the project and Tanya can trust me more. In order to do this, I have to organize my classes on Tuesday so that I can attend in the morning and not miss anything. I am also working with Simona for the distributors that they have to see if it would be smarter to buy from the distributor of Cepia rather than Siempre Fresco, however, it seems hard as we are buying through Witches Rock to help their business. This week I noticed that there are a lot of families that are willing to help with donations but that I have to specifically ask for them because since the last email that I sent I have not received more donations and I am kinda disappointed with the community. Maybe my email wasn’t good enough? Either way, I feel like it is impossible to contact Tanya so I might have to start going to her house to contact her! For next week I am planning on attending the assembly and trying to get the clothes on time. I also want to talk more to Simona about her distributors and Tatiana about the donations and how to promote better. This week I think I had to really focus on organizing the information that I had and practice my communication skills through email and Whatsapp. I personally prefer talking in person, but unfortunately, this is impossible at the moment. I think I have learned how to be more patient and how to work at the paste of others, especially since in this project I have to depend on what Tanya says and the members of the community.

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