Cindy – Journal Entry August 13th

On August 13th I started a new project with my mentor named Holly, she is from Colombia but has been in Costa Rica for the past six years, loving the country and its culture. She always supports my ideas and helps me through the process. That is the reason why we decided to work together to create something similar to a documentary about the story of our small town Potrero. Our goal is to interview as many people as we can and ask them how our town has changed for good and bad in order to make people from the community realize the importance of keeping the traditions and values to avoid losing the sense of being from Potrero. Also, it is to show how we can improve and bring back the qualities that made us all a great community. I am the “reporter” in every interview and I believe a good documentary should include at least some background information about the person being interviewed. On August 26th we continued to do our project from 8:00am to 11:00am. We always try to interview native people to get a reliable source of how life was back then around 1970 and 1980. This is an amazing project because it gives a message to a whole community about the things we need to improve and the ones we need to appreciate even more. For example, there was this lady who said that when she was 8 years old, families did not have electricity and therefore candles was all they got during the nights which created a space to talk to her family. Nowadays, we do not really care about how much power we waste and we do not even realize how hard it was to get it in the past. This project has made me an inquirer person since I am very curious about how everything has changed for good and bad but mostly to hear different stories and the message that each person has. Some questions are about safety and pollution compared to the present, so everytime I learned more about how people used to take care of the environment. I am really excited to do this project because I feel like I am giving something essential back to my community, which is our story.

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