Update: Cindy - June 25th, 2020 Journal Entry #29
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Cindy – June 25th, 2020 Journal Entry #29
During this week I started to reflect on all the work I have done so far. I realized how different I am compared to the beginning and how my skills have developed in order to be more effective for future situations where I will need them once again. During the whole process I learned so much about myself, the class and also about my mentor. I was really happy to see how I could apply some aspects of the content I was learning into the project I was working on. I implemented methods of motivation since I studied the different theories from Pink, Taylor and many more that helped me develop a healthy working environment for the class. I had been in charge of multiple assignments and turned them in responsibly, demonstrating how this project did not only make me put into practice my skills of open-minded by having to considerate the ideas and suggestions of a whole class and balanced by organizing my time but also being disciplined and constant by achieving my goal regardless of other factors that stepped on the way. I am really proud of the work the class has done so far along with my participation and my mentor’s. During this process I also learned about leadership styles and realized that I was implementing the characteristics of a democratic leader by having to make decisions based on the opinion of my students. This made me realize the strong connection between the business world and my project of developing a script and thinking about the performance of the play. I wrote a gratitude letter for my mentor thanking her for giving me this opportunity and recognizing that she became one of my role models, since by working with her I realize I would like to acquire certain aspects of her personality that lead her to success in the work she develops. This project is one of my favorites because of its dynamic, I was not only directing the class, helping her with grammatical aspects and suggestions but also putting into practice my creativity by suggesting scenes, working on how to increase their productivity and motivation as well of managing the short time we had to work on this showing me the different skills I had to involve in order to be efficient. Some obstacles during the way were the communication and leading parts, but Miss Martha did an excellent job at giving me advice on these areas through an interview I made with her. Indeed, this project taught me the importance of showing students how to perceive this type of assignment as an opportunity to explore their interest and expose their creativity as well as working as a group.