Update: Cindy - March 9th 2020 Journal Entry #12
Cindy – March 9th 2020 Journal Entry #12
During this day I went all around Tamarindo with my partner Amanda. We were trying to get donations from different stores and big businesses in order to make possible our CAS project called "Perú Cultural Exchange" which consists on going to that country for over a week to emerge ourselves in the culture of a tribe named "Huilloc" and return with 2 members from it to provide an experience of cultural enrichment for them as well. We got more than 7 prizes for a bingo that we are planning to do in the third trimester of our school year. We also went to a big business where we got financial support for the trip and also left letters that we personally wrote in "Hotel Diría" to see if we can reach our goal of $4000. We were hopeless at the beginning when we were calculating our goal, yet Amanda and I kept our patience and perseverance. In this way, we moved on and found an alternative. By being motivated, lots of ideas of how to raise money came to our heads and we started putting words into actions. During that day we learned that raising money nowadays is not an easy task, but since we are starting with some time ahead we are sure that we will be able to get the money. Some skills that I would highlight from this experience that go along with the IB program is: risk-taker and open-minded, because even though we were not sure on how to start working on the project, we were committed and took the risk to try this project that goes beyond borders, dreaming big and working hard. The open-minded skill connects to it because instead of complaining we exchanged ideas and took into consideration certain things from each other to make it work. This project will change not only our lives by being exposed to a different environment but also the lives of the members of this community since we will be teaching them about our culture.