Cindy – May 14th 2020, Journal Entry #23

Throughout this week I was super relaxed compared to the past week. This assessment of focusing helped me significantly. I started meditating, the first day was monday and I decided to download an app called “calm” where I could easily just find the type of meditation I wanted (to relieve stress, to sleep or to focus). I also had the option of setting an alarm to remind me when to meditate and it was at 10pm, which is the time when I am sleepy. The duration of the meditation that is also guided, is 10 mins. It was quite hard to focus, I would always open my eyes or be distracted by the noise from dogs barking. But on tuesday I could successfully be on time for my motivation. The day before I was watching Netflix or going through Instagram and after it I was feeling exhausted and did not want to use my phone, but I made an effort and meditated. This time it was not as effective as I was planning on to be. Nevertheless, I felt peaceful compared to other days when I went to bed but used to overthink about things I would do the next day that were school related. 


Moreover, on wednesday I decided to delete the app of Netflix and Instagram from my phone. In this way I was not going to be stuck on my phone for too long. I also changed my alarm for meditation to a little bit early, 8:00pm. I am trying to not use my phone as much as I use after school since the whole day I am using my computer. Therefore, my brain is exhausted and it is harder to fall asleep if I use my phone minutes before. It is improving, I am more able to pay attention to the person guiding the meditation and to be aware of what is happening in the moment by focusing on my breathing. During that day I realized that if I focused on one thing at a time I can be less stressed. And on thursday I tried to not use my phone after school. I felt way better and fell asleep quicker after meditating at 8:00pm. Nevertheless, I woke up 30 minutes later because my phone was ringing. Now I know that I will turn off my phone before falling asleep to not interrupt my sleeping schedule because after that it was hard to be sleepy again. The meditation is improving little by little, my focus is improving slightly. I think it is helping me mostly in the aspect of good sleep and stress relief. These days I have been more patient and that might be due to this exercise. During this week I could put into practice my IB skills of balanced and inquirer since I was doing a lot of research and learning for my classes and being balanced because I started running again on wednesday after finishing my school work and having some family time. 

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