Culture motivation journal entry

Values of The Motivated Movement CAS project

Motivation for students – This is one of the most important core values of my CAS project. Being a student can be hard at times, some struggle more than others, we are all different. But from noticing how sometimes students have low motivation to do school, is what inspired this project.

Life lessons – These motivational speeches aren’t strictly just for motivation, I want to provide students with important life lessons that they can take with them through their journey in life. Some of the things these speakers say can truly be helpful advise since they’ve experienced difficult situations and persevered.

Positive mentality – By having these amazing people come and give their advise and story, this will put students and even teachers in a positive mindset/mentality, which then can increase productivity in school.


Cultures of my project:

  • Purpose driven culture – Considering I’m the leader of my project and I have full control over every aspect of it means that I’m at the top of my project. The one next in power would be the motivational speakers themselves as I have to find them and they can dictate how they’d like me to set it up along with transportation. Through the speaker doing what he loves, I’m focusing on his purpose as he/her wants to share their story with others.
  • Democratic/collaborative leadership style – although I’m at the top of my hierarchy I still decide to go for a collaborative leadership style, for example: sometimes my mother gives me certain ideas that I can do then I find ways to execute them. Last year she told me about her friend that used to work with her, which I ended up using for the speech. Through the use of this style I can have more innovation in my project since I’m also getting ideas from my mother, which gives me positive behavior.

Keeping myself motivated – Considering my whole project is about motivation, this alone keeps me motivated to keep going. I also wasn’t able to commit to other CAS ideas I had earlier last year, meaning that this project has to be successful, this gives me motivation. At times it can be difficult to keep myself motivated since I’m having to do it through Zoom with Covid-19, which just isn’t nearly the same as it is in person. Sometimes through Zoom the full message doesn’t get through and people have lower interest levels which I don’t blame them for it since it can be difficult to focus through a computer. Through my collaborative culture with my mom and I being the ones who find these speakers. Giving her the power to help me find people has motivated me positively because I have the support and help of my mother.

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