Developing through CAS

Something I wasn’t very good at in the beginning of the CAS course was communication and working collaboratively. As I have spoken about before, I like to be an independent person and do work on my own, therefore it was hard clearly getting my message across and being able to ask for help when I needed it. Having a team for my project helped me improve because I developed better communicating skills and I began compromising more with my teammates to spread out the workload. A specific instance of this is when Sebas was still the leader and I was getting frustrated because I was unclear of the direction of the project but we had a meeting and afterwards gave out more clear task instructions. Another specific instance was when Felipe joined my team once I was the leader and I had to assign him work in order to spread out responsibilities as a team and let go of a little control because I had to open up my project to him and let him help me.  

I have continued practicing these skills through my CAS experience because I have had to give Felipe various tasks because we have undertaken many smaller projects as a part of our whole project. Some specific instances are creating a presentation for the 5th graders and planning the entire field trip for them. 

I was really proud of my development of skills in the project when we completed the field trip with the 5th graders because we created an engaging schedule in which the students were able to enjoy and learn at the same time, all while benefiting the environment! I was really proud because I worked with Felipe and communicated with Mr. Brian throughout the whole planning process, as well as the rest of my teachers because I was going to miss their classes. 

My plan to keep practicing this is to keep informing my partner about everything we have to do in the project, as well as communicating with our stakeholders such as Ernst, Miss Amy and my dad. There isn’t really a SMART (Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-based) way to set this goal because communicating and working collaboratively is so broad across the entire project. It is relevant and achievable, but it is hard to measure, I guess the only way to keep track is weather we are really communicating or not! This will be a challenge because Felipe won’t be here during summer break which is when we have to plan the final event for September, but we discussed I should work on the logistics while he can work on the marketing and promoting our event. I will be communicating with stakeholders to finalize the schedule and logistics behind the activities, while Felipe will work on reaching our target audience and making sure we have people confirmed to come.

On another note, the highlight of the week for me was getting back our bachi results. I was so stoked I scored a 95.95 on social studies and 100 on civica! Here is a picture of us super happy we all passed! 


Learning outcomes: Work collaboratively, Plan & Initiate, Commitment and Perseverance, strengths and areas for growth

Learner profiles: Communicator,Knowledgeable, Reflective, Open-minded


Created By: Rochelle, Costa Rica

Uploaded To: Save the mangrove

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