Factual Journal Entry

As time goes by we keep getting closer to the trip dates! The past couple of weeks, Ashley and I have finished the visa forms, set up a date for the visa appointment, met the girls, connected with Abby once again to continue planning, and emailed Liz Gordman. To fundraise, we have asked Miss. Kerry, Director. Kenia, and Miss. Amy Snodgrass to take this weeks’ Friday to have a dress down day. The money will go to our project and students will be happy that they can dress up. We have also been selling the leftover yearbooks that we still have. We posted on families of la Paz, announced in Morning Meeting, and even sold at the Feria. We don’t want to give up on these yearbooks, because we would benefit if that money went to the Boston Project. Today, Liz Gorman finally replied to our email, and we are now planning with her the logistics of the trip. She sends us the letter that we will be bringing to the Visa appointment and she will be sending us the vaccines document in the next couple of days. We have also been introduced to Kristina Tobey, who co-led the trip with Liz and also to Andrew Kimball, who coordinates international trips from BHS. With this email, we also need to start thinking about when they come to Costa Rica, some activities we can do with the students, as well as which days it would be best for them to come. So for the next couple of weeks, Ashely and I, will be focusing on the fundraising and meeting the girls so that they feel more comfortable with us, as well as teaching them English. For example, this Sunday the 22nd of September two of our classmates are having a planting mangroves event, and we are taking the girls so that they can see and familiarize with the people and the environment. Now, whereas for funding Asley and I are setting up a date for the tea afternoon and will start announcing in morning meetings. Adding on to this, we need to find two more of our classmates who are interested in coming on the trip. So far it will be Ashley, Alison, Nayeli, Luis Felipe, Bernabe, and me. Furthermore, we are also planning to do a spirit week in November, to raise money for the trip as well, to do this we will be speaking to Miss. Kerry and the other administrators. We will also continue to sell the yearbooks in our community. Ashley and I will also buy the plane tickets this week, in order to assure that we have them before the price goes up. As can be seen, we have a long couple of weeks and we have so much work that needs to be done. However, we are even more excited about the trip, and will do anything we can to make it happen! This is what the letter will look like but with our names:

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