Field trip before MUN

This week Shana and I are working on planing and initiating an activity by taking our class on a field trip to Canopy Pinilla the week before MUN  (the 23rd of March.) This is the first time that our CAS project will be in action instead of just promoting and planning it. In order for us to achieve this we must work collaboratively with others, not only with Jessica but with the school. Jessica told us that since it is our class field trip it will be free. The students must bring appropriate clothing such as leggings and a shirt (no jean material or crop tops), lunch either from school or their own lunch from the house as well as their own water. We have been talking to cafeteria La Paz in order for them to pack lunches for the students that eat from the cafeteria, send emails to the school requesting a bus, and emails to our classmates and their parents telling them what to bring as well as asking for permission. Our plan of action for this field trip is to start by explaining how to properly do canopy, teach our classmates how to stop on the zip line and the security measures. Then do team building activities on the zip line and off, such as a scavenger hunt. Not only will this field trip be a fun way to connect more as a class which is important since we will all be together until we graduate from IB. It will also work as a test run to identify the strengths and areas for growth in our CAS project. As well as undertaking new challenges throughout this whole CAS experience and gaining new skills along the way. 


Created By: Shana&Caro, Pinilla/La paz

Uploaded To: Canopy Therapy

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