My questions for my path:
1: How do you involve yourself within the community in a positive way while having fun?
2: What is a passionate hobby you have that could give back to the community?
3: What are the activities that you enjoy participating in with your friends?
4: What are some ways that you enjoy doing while making new friends?
5: Do you have friends in other communities or do you prefer having close friends within the community you live in?
These questions truly represent what Terraza stands for and the main message it’s projecting to different communities. Getting out of comfort zone and have a balanced lifestyle, making new friends in different communities which represent diversification as well as participating in activities that are entertaining that can somehow give back to the community. Terraza isn’t just a project, it’s a home, it’s a place where teenagers can learn to diversify their friend group and become open-minded when it comes to giving back to the community. The one question that truly stands out and projects Terrazas identity, is how do you involve yourself within the community in a positive way while having fun? This question shows that giving back to the community shouldn’t have to be something you have to do, but it should be something that you would enjoy and want to do, it shouldn’t have to feel like an obligation, it should turn into a passion. This is the hidden message of this question, how can you give back to the community through having fun. This question could show different communities what Terraza truly stands for and the importance of growing as an individual, diversifying your friend group and getting out of your comfort zone at a young age is always a good thing but helping the community in an entertaining way is also what Terraza wants to teach or educate teenagers to do. Projecting that importance of diversification and giving back to the community while having fun is what will attract communities to participate in future projects that Terraza will organize, allowing the youth center to move forward.
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