how’s the project important?

Date: december 2, 2022   Who do I have to work with while planning the activity? How do they impact the activity?    In order to make my activity work and be good for the rest of the community I have to talk to three main people and a lot of other relevant yet secondary people for my project. The most important as of now is “Profe Alejandro” because he is the sports manager of the school which helps me plan out everything that has to be done with other schools from the area. The second person that I have to talk with is “Jose” because he is also taking this CAS project with me and we both have to share ideas and documents to make the CAS function. The third person that I have to be constantly talking to about my project is “Ms. Amy J” because she is my CAS teacher and she can give me ideas, solutions, and reflect with me on what i'm doing good and doing bad with my project.    What are my perceptions going into the task?   My perception of the task right now is that everything is going well and hopefully we will be starting the tournament next year in february-march. This is good because I'm giving myself a due date in order to push myself into doing the task successfully and finally get to bring back the soccer tournament after lots of years without it. Another thing that I can see is the fact that some students from younger grades are seeing the amount of effort and work that i’m putting into the CAS and they want to take the risk and do the same project as me and that inspires me to make a good tournament so when they do take the CAS they work hard in order to make their’s better than mine.    What is the value of the project? How does it affect others?   The project has a lot of value to the community since is a great opportunity to show off your soccer skills to everyone and demonstrate that there is lots of talent around the area and people haven't see the full potential that a lot of kids have and how they can get to a professional soccer career and make it out of Guanacaste by being recognized by coaches like the one that I have. My coach is key to this project because he has a lot of contacts with important people, like, team presidents, national team and many others that can facilitate the chances of a kid being successful. Not only that but my project also means the comeback of a soccer tournament post-COVID 19 where a lot of kids grew and got to become better at the sport they love. How does it feel to work with others?    Working with others feels pretty good, to the point where I enjoy my CAS even more and I wouldn’t mind spending the hours that I have to spent in order to pass. Working with a person that already has all the documents and hears your ideas and takes them seriously, cheers you up a lot. This support also means great teamwork and lots of mutual relevance when it comes to decision making. Not only that, but Jose and I also have meetings every Monday before soccer practice to analyze how the project is going and share ideas that we like and think the team would like to. The decisions are not done if I'm not there and vice versa. We are both important to the project and that has made us become better friends too. 

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