Throughout this week, I have learned how to write a Cover Letter, undertake an interview, and how to do better research. But most importantly I learned how to be deliberate with my work and balance it out so that I don’t feel overwhelmed. Because this is such a long process and project and I am technically trying to take on a Food Bank Program, I am aware that it is not going to be easy so I don’t want to push myself into getting a lot of work and stressing over things I can control if I am balanced and organized.
Some aspects of the vocabulary that I believe we covered with these lessons were Human Resources Planning as I got to learn a little bit more about how to write a Cover letter and sell myself to an organization. Instead of seeing it through the eyes of the manager recruiting and hiring employees, I am seeing it from the perspective of the employee when applying for the job description. I think that learning about the hiring and application process was of importance to this project because as an individual who aspires to do many things in life, I have to learn how to achieve these things by following the right steps and procedures that all individuals like me have to take.
I think that we were able to cover what is meant by “training” because, from the perspective of the customer, we were given the opportunity to apply freely to different organizations of our choice and were given the opportunity to acquire employment-related skills. On the other hand, I think that by doing research and getting to know more about the company we got to learn about different values and goals that characterize the organizations we want to work with, so the culture. Throughout this week I have also come to the conclusion that if Tanya and Holly do recruit me, that I am going to have a lot of responsibilities and that I am going to need to be held accountable. Accountability: the extent to which a person is held responsible for the success or failure of a task. In this project, it is not all about success; however, it is being held accountable to try something new and be accountable to meaningfully reflect on that risk. I think that because we are doing online classes we have to maintain clear communication, this is because I can’t have direct contact with Miss Amy or Tanya and Holly and therefore I learned how to express my ideas thoroughly by using electronic media such as Gmail and WhatsApp.
Throughout this process, I learned that it is essential to “sell” yourself when entering a company because it is so competitive, and everyone has the same rights to apply for it. I personally didn’t know that Human Resources Managers could hire external or internal candidates only because I thought that once you’re an employee in the business, you stay in that role.
FEARS: Some fears that I have for this project is not getting approved by Holly and Tanya. Since the program is already built and it is already functioning, I am scared that they won’t need my help and that I am going to have to start this project again. I guess this is making me a risk-taker because I know that my project compared to others is much more complex since I literally want to take over a nonprofit organization. I just have to be patient with the results and wait for Tanya and Holly to give me a result. This process has also helped me understand how the hiring process of Human Resources Management works because I am aware that there are two possible outcomes for when an individual is applying for a job, it could either go that they are recruited or they are not a good fit for the spot.
THINGS I AM EXCITED ABOUT: I am excited to send my CV and interview because this is the first time I undertake a process like this. Cover Letters are a crucial part for the steps that need to be taken when applying for a job and therefore it has given me knowledge on how to effectively conduct it and sell myself. I am excited to receive a response because it will pretty much determine how my life is going to be in the next couple of weeks.
CHALLENGES: Some challenges I had throughout this week was completing the work that asked me personal questions about my skills, strengths, and weaknesses. I had a rough time with this because I don’t usually like to talk about myself, many of the assignments involved this because these are the first steps of Human Resources Planning, because it is crucial for the business to learn the skills and strengths that the possible employee has and how they can add value to the business culture.
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