Welcome to “The Shire” – It all started with one raised bed

"It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door. You step into the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to." – Bilbo
Looking back 5 years ago, it's hard to believe our school farm started as a high school club members idea to build a raised planting bed for the high school. This idea quickly morphed into a 15x50 foot greenhouse with the goal to grow and sell vegetable starts for the community. What we did not expect, was the incredible excitement and interest the new greenhouse and agricultural learning opportunities it provided to the school club membership. The membership grew from just 5 to over 30! With the success of the vegetable starts program, and the growing interest in agricultural learning at the high school, middle school and elementary schools, we were introduced to a 3 acre parcel of school land. With that introduction came the suggestion on whether we wanted to start a K-12 school farm for the district. 4 years later, we've turned those 3 acres of land, land that laid fallow for decades, into a full production school farm. Not only producing healthy food and produce for the community, but offering incredible teaching and training opportunities for the K-12 students and teachers. We're so proud of the volunteers and school interns who have poured their hearts into this amazing program. We're grateful to the teachers, principals and district leadership that have believed in and incorporated this incredible K-12 learning experience into their teaching curriculum's these past years. And finally, we're thankful to the incredible donors who have supported us through their financial and in-kind grants and donations. This program would not have been accomplished without all of you. Welcome to the Shire!

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