January 26, 2023

Describe what you did this week to move your project forward.


   This monday we talked to Gaby after our classes and came up with our first task for our project. We will choose a wall at the studio that will commemorate the senior dancers so that they are remembered even after they leave the studio. We want to use our creativity and self expression to create something valuable and important for our dance studio. We care for our Elevate movement studio community and want to take new challenges like these to show the love we have for our friends. We will work collaboratively with Gaby and Elevate to plan what the wall will look like and what the most important elements are. Our next step is to make a survey that we will send to the junior, teen and senior company groups to ask specific questions taht will help us create the wall.  


What are the challenges that you faced this past week when working on the project? 


   This week we have had challenges in having effective communication with Gaby and making bigger steps with our project. We have had a hard time planning and initiating our project because Gaby and the both of us are usually very busy when together at the same time at the studio. We need to show more commitment with our project and start to take small actions that will show advancement. We need to improve our balance between our school and dance schedule to make the time we need to dedicate for our project. Maybe we could create a schedule to help manage our time more effectively.   


How do they make you feel? How did you overcome them?


  These challenges make us feel like we need to focus on developing our project and initiating with our activities. We are taking on new challenges and we need to learn how to overcome them together as a team. 

  • Make the survey for the Elevate dancers (send by the start of next week)
  • We are going to make a schedule of what our priorities are for next week
  • Make a material list for the wall


What new skills did you learn while working on your project this week? Describe it/them? How can you use this skill in the future?


  This week we learned more about our strengths as a team, me and Cane work very well together since we spend a lot of time at the studio and share the same passion. With Gaby we are learning how to collaborate with others and help engage in the community we are a part of. During this week we have also noticed areas in which we need to grow to be able to achieve our goals in the future. With this project we will take on new challenges and learn many important skills in the process. Our project seeks to help the artistic community we are a part of and we want to help it grow. It’s important to value and cherish the art that surrounds us and help others around the community see it as well. All of the skills this project will teach will help us in the future when we want to work with others, collaborate with others and help plan and initiate big projects and goals. 


What about these challenges excite you or scare you? How do you use that energy to move your project forward?


    These challenges are scary because it shows how we need to have more organizationa nd commitment in our project. We need perseverance and commitment to be able to plan and develop our project. By overcoming these obstacles we will improve our weaknesses and gain motivation to help our community. We will take risks by sacrificing our free time to work on our project. We will be principled by showing our respect to the artistic community we are a part of and want to support. 

Created By: Guanacaste, Costa Rica

Uploaded To: Spread & Support Art

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