Journal Entry 3

My project is fully based on helping people reach their projects goals, so helping out the fourth graders with their anchor project booth was a great experience. It made me realize that achieving goals, no matter how small, makes people feel a sense of accomplishment which makes me feel motivated to keep going with my project.
Moving forward I would like to set a defined structure for my project, planning out my first fundraiser event and informing people that there will be a tool to help them carry out their project with a little bit more financial support.
I need to discuss my project with many people in order to make those next steps, primarily Miss Amy, however I still need guidance in that aspect. I also need to get in contact with people willing to help out with big fundraiser events to make them as successful as possible.

I will try harder to set a stable schedule in order to focus more on school work at home as this is something that I have struggled with throughout my high school experience.

Created By: cabo velas, Guanacaste

Uploaded To: CAS fund

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